Red Rose Holland Export

Red Rose Holland has a big collection of (rare) Monstera, Philodendron, Epipremnum and other aroids.

Our plants are grown with love and attention.

We love plants

Exporting rare plants all over the world!

Red Rose Holland has a big collection of (rare) Monstera, Philodendron, Epipremnum and other aroids. Our plants are grown with love and attention. If your favourite plant is not in our shop, you can inquire through our contact form below.

We ship with all necessary documents all over the world. We only do export.


We love Elephants too

 (AND) Elephants love plants too!

Red Rose Holland Export Co., Ltd., supports the (as far as we know) only “handoff” elephant sanctuary in Thailand, Somboon Legacy Foundation. Their purpose is to rescue and rehabilitate elephants from a life of stress and exploitation in the tourism industry. They focus on observation and education.

In these troubled times, they need our support more than ever!



Here you will find rare and special plants we have selected from our garden.


is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae that is native to Southeast Asia, southern China, and New Guinea.


is a genus of about 1000 species of flowering plants, the largest genus of the arum family, Araceae.


is a genus of broad-leaved rhizomatous or tuberous perennial flowering plants from the family Araceae. Native to tropical and subtropical Asia to Eastern Australia, and widely cultivated elsewhere.


is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae, found in tropical forests from China, the Himalayas and south-east Asia to Australia the western Pacific.


is a species of flowering plant native to tropical forests of southern Mexico, south to Panama. Together with Philodendron the most populair house plants at the moment.


is also a large genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. As of September 2015, the World Checklist of Selected Plant Families accepted 489 and probably the same amount is still undescibed. The translation of the name is love tree.




also a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. It is native to Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Queensland, and a few western Pacific islands. The species Scindapsus pictus is common in cultivation. Scindapsus is not easily distinguishable from Epipremnum.


is another genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to tropical rain forests in southern Mexico, the West Indies, Central and South America. They are woody vines growing to heights of 10–20 m or more in trees.


Almost all of the plants in our garden are categorized in one of the plant groups above, but sometimes we offer other nice house plants which you can find here.

Get in Touch


11 England Rd., Tha Kham, Muang,
Kanchanaburi 71000 Thailand


+66 (0)9 8394 4463

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